... that stuff about they/them - Issue #6
The not-so-silent musings of Christian Conservative Straight CIS White Male Author CM Powers - A Kingdom-minded keyboard warrior.
Ok, I might lose some folks with this one. I've lost a few more friends on Facebook. I tried to warn you in my first issue that I'm not planning to sugarcoat my thoughts and stances on things. If you follow me on Facebook, you may have already read most of this newsletter issue.
I made a Facebook post the other day that was just me being kind of goofy with my wife. It went:
We were driving down the highway last night, and I brought up how I haven't seen any of the carpool lanes here in West Virginia that I've seen in so many of the big cities. In Florida, if you drove in that far left lane alone, and a cop stopped you, you were in trouble. As we were talking about it, Jules came up with a great question. If someone identifies as they/them, does that mean they get to drive in the carpool lane? I'd love to see how a cop would react to that situation.
Of course, a few people came into my comments to tell me I'm mean and one guy even came into the comments to say this:
Chris, this is intolerant AF. This isn't something Jesus, who ate with lepers would say. Let me ask you this.... if a trans person wrote a post saying "if Christians want another lane maybe they can pay for it with the blood of Christ" or something.... you'd be livid.
This isn't love Chris. And it isn't funny. It's intolerant. And that tells me that all of your "messages" are bullshit.
I'm unfriending and blocking.
Christianity is about inclusion. You need to get on your knees and ask your Jesus if you're "doing it right."
What a HORRIBLE post that you then defended.
My defensive post he was talking about was this one. I wrote on Facebook:
Look, I'm just going to say it like this to clear the air. I've made it pretty clear I'm not walking on eggshells for anyone anymore. If this bothers you, I understand, and we'd both be happier if you unfriend me.
God made man and woman. Two genders. Yes, of course there are a few rare medical exceptions. But for the most part, if you're male, I'll respect you and call you "he". If you're female, I'll respect you and call you "she". If you're trans and look like a male, I'll call you "he" and if you're trans and look like a woman I'll call you "she" because chances are, I won't know the difference unless you make it a big point to tell me (which kind of defeats the purpose of your change in lifestyle, right?).
What I won't do is call a single someone "they" or "them". I won't do it. I'm not going to play those mental gymnastics. How you feel on any particular day is none of my business. It's nobody's but yours until you make it someone else's by being upset that they didn't respect your pronouns.
My last post was meant to be a harmless joke. If it hurt you, think about all the terrible things people go through in life that can seriously hurt them. I'm talking mental, physical, sexual... all way worse than being called a singular pronoun.
Again, this isn't hate. I love everyone, or do my best to, but that includes being truthful, too. Be a he, she, they, them, or it for all I care. I'll be nice to everyone. But you're not going to get me to call you they or them. More than likely I'll call you by your name.
My next FB post after seeing the same guy comment under that previous one, was this:
Every time I post something that aggravates others, I end up feeling weird about it. Not because I think what I said was wrong but when other so-called Christians call me out and bring my beliefs and motives into question, it does make me stop and think.
I fear God. I know He is a God who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-deserving of respect. So, not only do I love Him, but I do have a healthy fear of Him. I live with a constant concern that I might misrepresent Him.
That said, I've read the Bible, and I mean I've really read the Bible and continue reading it. I'm not someone who was taught the Bible as a kid or someone who's glanced over it searching for inconsistencies or ways to twist the words to find exceptions for my sinful ways.
I don't read the Bible because I HAVE to. I read it because I WANT to. And when I finish reading it this time, I'll read it all over again and again. Why? Because each time I do, it speaks to me in different ways. Not that the information changes. I change. I grow and understand more. Or, I should say, the Holy Spirit changes me.
I'm always a work in progress. I've done wrong, I've begged forgiveness for my sins, and I have and continue to repent (change my ways) as I catch myself doing wrong. I don't blame God for the bad things that happen in life, and I don't question whether He loves me when times gets rough.
God loves me, but that doesn't make me free from the consequences of my actions. For example, Jules and I divorced our previous spouses. We had our reasons. God loves us. But we're still battling the issues that arise with our kids because of our exes. That's on us. Not on God.
I made a post the other day about refusing to call people they/them. I know what the Bible says about God making a man and a woman. I know where in the Bible homosexual stuff is mentioned, and I also know where it talks about gossip, respecting your parents, stealing, and many other things being condemned. God hates sin of all types.
That's why I say, and so many other Christians say, hate the sin but love the sinner. I will show a loving kindness to any person I'm around, but that doesn't mean I'll help them celebrate or share/partake in their sins.
Yes, Jesus hung out with tax collectors, prostitutes, and other sinners, but not because He wanted to collect taxes with them, run around town being promiscuous with them, or participate in any other sinful act with them. He didn't love their sins, but He loved them, and He knew they were the ones needing to change and who COULD change to follow and be more like Him.
Jesus IS love but nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus stroked people's egos, told them all they were doing was fine, and said, "Hey, let's go do all that fun, sinful stuff together because I love you. I GET you. You were made this way so it's ok." No, He didn't say that. He said, "Deny yourself. Take up your cross and follow me."
This made up Jesus people like to throw in our faces doesn't exist.
In fact, Jesus said, in Matthew 10:34-39 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it."
So, for all these people out there who think they can say what they want, do what they want, and Jesus is cool with all that. This modern-day Jesus of yours doesn't exist.
Every time I question my own posts and the stuff people say about me, I only need to go back to the Bible to feel right about it. It's all there in the pages. The Word is never wrong.
Jesus IS love.
I think the question is: Are you?
Because true love would mean putting Him first. Following Him.
Not expecting Him to conform to your standards.
Yes, He will meet you where you are, but if you truly follow Him, expect to change.
And I CAN'T feel bad for telling you about it.
That stuff about writing
The first draft of Scatter the Dark is done. Now comes the difficult part. I get to go through, chop it up, add some stuff, and make it all make sense.
At just over 90k words it's definitely a full length novel.
I'm not very good at writing a short blurb/synopsis for my books, but I promised I'd let you know what Scatter the Dark is about. I guess now that the first draft is done, it's as good as time as any. Here's the short description I wrote:
Only the Lord's light can scatter the dark.
As a teen, Luca experienced true evil when he was wrongly imprisoned for murdering his mom. Ten years later, he's finally won his appeal and is set free.
Grace Tethers is a single mom coping with the loss of her husband as she runs a bed and breakfast. When she sees videos of Luca's case on Tiktok, she feels led to reach out and befriend him.
Kelsey can't believe her mom has invited her convicted murderer pen pal, even if he's been proven innocent, to be their groundskeeper and live in an on-site apartment. Her mom must be crazy!
There's something special about Luca. Evil arrived at his door a decade ago, and now it's found him at the Tethers's Bed and Breakfast. It'll burn the entire town of Elmhurst to the ground just to snuff out Luca's light.
But good doesn't cowar to evil and darkness flees when you turn on the light.
This is a Christian supernatural thriller that may be a bit edgy.
That synopsis will probably change before publication, but hopefully it gives you some idea what the book is about. I have no specific release date in mind, but I should have that soon.
I've been asked about pre-orders. I probably will put it up for pre-order but not until I have a cover ready and the book is closer to the final draft.
More than likely I'll self publish this one. I'd considered trying to submit it to a Christian publisher, but some of my posts have been kind of controversial, and I really don't like the idea of my content being controlled. I guess we'll see.
That stuff about a song
For this issue, I think I'll end it with a song that I feel kind of ties in with all the thoughts I've had to piece together this week. It's been a bit of a battle. Here's ‘Battle Belongs’ by Phil Wickham.
On Spotify:
And on YouTube:
So, this was a loaded issue. Lots of negative hopefully rerouted into some positive. I'm always interested in hearing your thoughts in the comments. As always, thank you for reading … that stuff.
I'll see you in the next issue.